Friday, July 5, 2013

Carbon Footprint

What is your total estimated greenhouse gas emission per year?
- My average greenhouse emission per year is 13 tons, which is less than the average American.

What is your individual % breakdown for the four sections (Home Energy, Driving & Flying, Food & Diet and Recycling and Waste)?
- Home Energy: 36.7%
- Driving and Flying: 24.9%
- Food and Diet: 7.2%
- Recycling and Waste: 31.2%

How do your total and % breakdown compare to the average US person?
- The biggest differences between my estimates and the average US person is with the driving & flying section where I use half of what the average American uses. This is due to living a city with public transportation. If I were to live back home (Guatemala) my driving gas emissions would be much higher since everyone drives and there is bad public transportation. Another section that stood out was food & diet, I am not used to recycling or eating organic food since I didn't grow up with that mentality. I have been recycling more since I started living with Americans since they have taught me about their mentality on recycling. 

How does your total compare to the world average?
- The world average is 5.5 tons, where I got an estimate of 13 tons. This is a big gap between me and the world. However, considering that I live in a city and the world is taking into considerations people that live in small towns or villages the gap will always be big. 

How do you think you could decrease your carbon emissions for each of these categories?
- I think that the best way to reduce my carbon emissions is by buying more organic foods and recycling all of my waste. In addition, I could unplug electronics when not in use. The apartment complex where I live includes heater and AC, so many people just leave their heaters on all day. I think by using it only when in the apartment would be a great help at reducing my CO2 emissions.

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